Tuesday 18 August 2015

Good/bad or strange things in this semester

Hi class!
Today I´m going to talk to you about a good/ bad or strange things in this semester
Well.. this semester in the university it has been complicated because we were in “arrest” for about two months so it was very long.. and now we have to make up all the lost time and teachers filled us with many jobs and we have much to read for the theoretical trade …so it´s very exhausting because I live veeery far!!!! And I doni e.l class
ongsnolidays and in the chris of the world!"gs in this semester
´t be accustomed to travel all days .. I lost the training

Good… after all…the arrest it was good for me because I spent a long time in my house and I love this :D I´m was lazy all the time and I woke up late  I went for walk in my village and I plant many trees for my plot :)  besides I saw many films and the serie  “Game of thrones” it´s the best serie of the world!!!!!!!! I recommend it completely!

And the bad of the “arrest” in this semester is that we lost many subjects and we have to be in class in the National Holidays and in the Christmas and that´s too bad =(
Finally the strange things I don´t know :S difficult  I think there isn´t unusual thong.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

A day I always remember

Hi class today I´m going to talk about a day I always remember

I will never forget the day when I cut the eyelashes of my sister.
I love my sister!!!! When I was around five years ago and my sister was three years ago one day that my parents were sick and said to me “ Pamela didn´t do bad things” and I liked to contradict…. Was the perfect moment for did a crazy thing!!!!! In this period I wanted to be a hairdresser, it was my dream!!! That day I put my sister in a chair and started to realize my dream with the scissors :D I cut the eyelashes, the fringe and hair of my sister I threaten my sister to stayed quiet.. after that I cut my hair, fringe and eyelashes.
When my parents awoke I challenged much :(. It´s was a special day because all my family remember the day when with my sister stayed without tabs jiji


A movie that I love and a movie that I hate

Hi class!!
Today I´m going to talk about films especially a movie that I love and a movie that I hate

First I going to talk to you about my favourite movie..
Well I don´t have a favourite movie, because I like many films, one of this film is “Inception” a British American science fiction written and coproduced by the director Christopher Nolan. The film is really nice, "inception", is the implantation of another person a idea subconscious, the visual effects and photography are awesome!!!. I like because it´s very psychological film and very interesting. Other movie that I like is “The science of sleep”, this film is a 2006 surrealistic science fantasy comedy film written and directed by Michel Gondry, I like because mixture surrealistic and reality elements, also is a psychology movie.

Second: A movie that I hate.. mmmm difficult I don´t remember but I think that  I don´t hate any movie


Tuesday 4 August 2015


Hi class, today I´m going to talk to you about the recycle.
Well…really and sincerely speaking I´m not very Green ( I like the Green colour jeje) but I´d like to start to recycle, because it´s for a common benefit and for our beauty nature! it´s one of the most important things!!!. I think that is a very nice initiative!!!. Personally I don´t recycle very much, but one of thing that I do is use the olds newspapers and magazines for make Works of art, equaly I try to reduce bags because the plastic delay very much years to degrade and pollutes much.

I care the environment so that I don´t litter in the Street and for prevent pollution I sow very much trees in my plot with my family it´s a very beautiful moment!

Thursday 14 May 2015

About the protest in this week

Hi classmates, today I´m going to talk to you about the protest in this week
Well.. the current situation here in Chile is really bad… The education is really expensive so it isn´t accesible to everyone and teaching isn´t as good as in old times when my mother and my father studied. In this period the education and the health in Chile were free and the first quality!!! It wasn´t an “illusion” as the politicians say today… the theme is the money!! The fucking money… the fucking capitalism prevailing in all things everybody ( the politicians more) wants to win everywhere!!
I sometimes think… what´s the primordial the education or the health?... I think the health because it´s the essential for the life.
The strikes and marches are because there are a social discontent! the people got tired of that they put their hand to mouth, and they began to take to the streets to defender their human rights caught since the military dictatorship.
My opinion is that okay!! we have to stop being afraid!! I support this movement but I think which should unite the cause of health, because the people die all the time for not having the fucking money to pay their diseases and really made me feel bad!!!!!
I would prefer to get these things that we played them where it more hurts!!!! and one day all buuut aaaall of the people STOP to consume all the things in protest!! and hopefully be many more days for it hurts to much and really change things!!!!
We can !!